It’s an oddball episode this week as Jason and James decided to break the usual format with a fun episode in which they ask each other various ice-breaking questions – from retirement plans to favorite foods, crucial apps, life mottos, our biggest failures, and more.
James -- If you have to do Costco on Sunday, go ~45-60 min after they open which is about 10:00 am. That way the first surge of early-risers have filtered out. Then it's not so busy for about an hour before the deluge. This works for me at the Waterloo Costco which can get really busy. Would be curious to know if that works for the Toronto store.
James -- If you have to do Costco on Sunday, go ~45-60 min after they open which is about 10:00 am. That way the first surge of early-risers have filtered out. Then it's not so busy for about an hour before the deluge. This works for me at the Waterloo Costco which can get really busy. Would be curious to know if that works for the Toronto store.